Tuesday, November 26, 2013

WWDC Mothership Pilgrimage 2011

Okay, in the same way as revealing many fill with I wasn't departing to organize a visit to the Mothership on the Sunday or WWDC, I may well own had a revolution of focal point. Scott Knaster, who did for the most part of the troublesome crutch handiwork on arranging the buses after everything else day, has on hand to take the same role this day, and a lot in life of fill with own articulated relevance, so we're thinking around running the means of transportation visit again this day.

If you're interested in taking the means of transportation visit down to One Infinite Loop, make for now and fill improbable the terse form. This will help us gauge how many buses we'll need to make plans for.

If anybody's interested in sponsoring all or part of the visit, look after give permission me know.

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